Lhasa The Forbidden City Tour

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Lhasa was declared capital to Tibet Autonomous region in 1965. The temples Gtsug-lag-Khang and Klu-Khang are the ancient landmarks which are considered sacred in Tibet. Norbulinka monastery - The winter residence of Dalai Lama, various monasteries, Potala palace - The summer palace are some important places in Tibet. The importance of the city declined during the ruling of Tibetan king who was very much religious. The 5th Dalai Lama has considered this city as holy and then it became religiously significant. Many important monasteries like Sera and Ganden are situated in the areas surrounding Lhasa, and Drepung monastery - The biggest monastic university during the period. This city is situated in the banks of Brahmaputra tributary called Yarlung Tsangpo. Before the Chinese occupied this region Lhasa was center to Lamaism. Most of the population in Lhasa was Lamaist monks. The buildings in Lhasa are not that rich in architecture but are religious constructions. The sacred temple in Lhasa called Jokang will not appear magnificent from outside but houses the jeweled idol of young Buddha. Due to all the above characteristic features of religious glory attributed to the Lhasa city,

After anexation of Tibet by Chinese communist in 1951 Lhasa was forbidden to visit for foreign tourist until the declaratiom of capital city in 1965 due to religious occupation and cultural revolution so it is called as - the Forbidden city.

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